So I went to school just for two hours of lessons how dumb is that? Anyway, that's fine cause I got to play on Annisaa's Itouch again and there's TapTapRevenge3/Unblock me! Geetha, Wilson and I did really stupid stuff while waiting for the watch to read 12:30. HAHA.
Shall reply to tags since I'm in the mood.
Sorry I haven't been replying for more than a month?! I still check my tagboard everyday! There isn't too much of a point to reply to such overdue tags but I shan't procrastinate any longerrrrr.
I know its :( to not get any replies after tagging so I'll make it a point to reply asap after this big batch!
8 oct
peixuan: hey mama! yay your promos are over!!!

{YES FINALLY!! and your O's are drawing nearer!! JIAYOU JIAYOU JIAYOU!! yeah it'll be over in a jiffy, the next few months would be like heavennnnn. Read all the replies k!!}
4 oct
Kenneth: or something like that. lol
Kenneth: Atticus Finch : "You never really know a man until you climb into his shoes walk around in it"
{That's a really good phrase and yeah I remember reading it! Learning to do that! :D I wanna read TKMB again!}
ashley: love asher book

{yeah i love try, ordinary people and someone to watch over me!! YEAH we haven't really met up, tell me when you're free kkkkk!}
2 oct
peixuan: oh yay good you have one more paper to go! then after that can rest a bit.

{I'm resting alot now HAHA JIAYOU AGAIN HEHE. Gosh my eyes hurt alot from looking at the computer day and night :O}
30 sep
Ivan: Stalker!
{hahahah look who's talking! Though I'm the ultimate one of course /^^(Y) I know you're stalking now aren't you?! HAHA}
29 sep
YINGZHI: heyy emma promos suck I KNOWWWWW sheesh lol
{sucked to the coreeeeeee. How was yours?? I feel so dead man D: Goodluck for the results anyway!!!}
27 sep
anis: jia you emma!! ;DDDDDD
{thanks anis!! Please revive your blog!! ): I wanna read it! and I thanks for lending me your ipodtouch heehe ITS SO ADDICTIVE!}
25 sep
peixuan: hey mama jiayou for your promos aye!
{haha thanks again!! Gosh I need to see you soon after your O's k!!}
23 sep
syairah: i'll disappear from the surface of the earth along with you! (:
{hey I wanted to reply "awww!" when I first saw that message that's so sweet haha! SYAI I HAVEN'T TALKED TO YOU IN AGES! I still miss that day btw :D}
21 sep
peixuan: hey mama! all the best for your promos aye! 2 more days right? JIAYOU! ^^
{XUANEEEE I just realised you tag me really really really often haha this is like my idk-th time saying thanks haha. I PICKED UP THE GUITAR YESTERDAY. But I think I need you to teach me when you're free! :O}
20 sep
ken: you know emms i realised my mum and your mum both have something in common- our dads are working overseas.
{did you read the post with your name! and yeah, pretty much stuck at home alone and I miss my dad! :(}
18 sep
peixuan: the going home video was very touching! and my eyes got a bit watery towards the end. heh. the grandma so nice leh.
{yeah it was, wasn't it! :( Yup it was so touching towards the ending, suddenly felt like calling my grandma that day after watching but I didn't know how to :O}
16 sep
yahui: i cried for the grandma video as well!!!! and im amazed that you dared to watched ryan video! thought you might found it scary.
yahui: oh! i dun mind yousharing the videos!

yahui: im so glad you have a blessed blisfful family and you are one little girl that i believe honour her words!

{haha nope I didn't find it scary but the condition is so scary! Just randomly found out its Harlequin type Ichtyosis, D: and they're really good videos haha. you're welcome, don't stress yourself too much with the tuition okay! Hope to see you soon we shall eat my brother's cooking the next time we meet!}
15 sep
FELICIALIM: EMMAbanana, i miss you:( have not seen you for so long
{FELICIAberrycia!! Yeah its been REALLY ages!! almost a year?! :O help me say hi to momo! Sleepy says hi too :D}
14 sep
{ray!! gosh I haven't seen YOU in ages too! Man, but I don't wanna be sucha a great perfectionist I never get things done!!!!}
13 sep
anna: omg you watched signs too!!! it's so sweet right!!! i was like awww when i watched it!
{YEAH ITS SUCH A SWEET VIDEO RIGHT!! I wish I could do that do can, LOL. I need to watch more videos and dramas now yayyy}
12 sep

{HELLO YINGZHI!! lol, cause there were a lack of pictures thennn. btw your blog always makes me hungry!!! :P}
10 sep
9 sep
syairah: eh emmy, i miss the time where we ran across the road, cursing and screaming! although yes, you did most of it. hahahaha.
{LETS RUN ACROSS THE ROAD AGAIN AND SCREAM AND CURSE LIKE MAD!! gosh I feel like going crazy all of a sudden. I really hope you'll be my art mate again next year ):}
7 sep
kaiying: dw girl i still love you the same! <33 style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">{I know you might not be reading this since its your promos, BUT JIAYOU GIRL!!! I'll talk to you again after your promos! I still love you as much as ever!}
peixuan: hey jiayou kay! you can do it! i have faith that you will pass promo
{Now I feel bad that you said that ohmannnnnnn. Howww}
5 sep
yahui: hey emma. see ya tomorrow! im relinked at
{hahaha okay you're relinked! :D}
4 sep
peixuan: haha. the macdelivery is super cool! ^^ haha. i also want to lie under the stars! heh. okay. good that your sch's subsidising a lot. unlike ahs. DX heh. okay jiayou for promos! ^^ GOGOGO!

{yeah it is, isn't it!! OKAY LETS LIE UNDER THE STARS AFTER YOUR O'S K!! yeah I was so shocked when I saw the amount!! and yes we should really lie under the stars together!}
3 sep
{HAHA. COOL RIGHT. Maybe you'll get flowers next time hehe}
1 sep
anna: hahaha yah! i have no idea why i keep getting lost! haha srsly missed you ok and your bed is just so comfortable

{HAHA I just realised I'm like too ohmyyyy. Man didn't get to talk much to you on saturday and... I... haven'! JIAYOU with your PW then we'll have time after that! :D and yeah i lovelovelove my bed too HAHA}
30 aug
ashley: HAHA you can paint out my face then post the pic ;D and ur painting is so pretty la! seriously!
{omg my painting is stuck on the wall. For like idk how long. :O I'll try to paint a nicer one next time I'm just ignoring it everytime I walk past it now HAHA!}
Time for sleeping + FRIENDS.
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